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ALPHAGEAR - AIR GOAL 60 SECOND SET-UP - 3m x 2m Portable

3m x 2m Portable Air Goal – 60 Second Set Up

ALPHA GEAR is now offering one of the best goals available on the market for training or match purposes. The AirGoal is made using only the best air retention materials coupled with hi-density PVC joints. The AirGoal 3x2m Futsal / MiniRoos size goal can be removed from its heavy duty carry bag, inflated and have you playing in under 60 seconds. The air filled tubular material is super strong that when a ball hits the post or the upright it acts very closely like a solid metal goal, but, if fallen on is extremely safe. It’s the perfect all round goal.

  • 3m Wide x 2m High
  • Comes in Heavy Duty Carry Bag
  • Complete Set of Grass Anchors
  • Dual Action Rapid Pump
  • Durable Design and Material
  • Retains Air for Days
  • Match Quality Net Attached
  • A True One Piece Design